Lansări muzicale

Adele a lansat videoclipul piesei „Oh My God". Versuri aici

Adele a lansat  videoclipul piesei Oh My God
Adele a lansat videoclipul piesei Oh My God [Sursa foto: Captură YouTube]

Adele a lansat videoclipul oficial al piesei „Oh My God". Dacă nu l-ai văzut, îi poți da play aici!

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Adele continuă să își promoveze albumul „30” și prezintă videoclipul piesei „Oh My God". Melodia  este compusă de artistă și Greg Kurstin, iar videoclipul piesei este regizat de Sam Brown, filmat în alb şi negru unde o arată pe Adele înconjurată de dansatori.

„A colabora încă o dată, un deceniu mai târziu, a fost mai mult decât nostalgic. Am filmat acest videoclip în ziua în care a fost lansată piesa „ Easy On Me ”. Un milion de lucruri s-au întâmplat în acelaşi timp. A fost foarte amuzant”, a spus Adele. 

Adele a lansat  videoclipul piesei Oh My God
Adele a lansat videoclipul piesei Oh My God[Sursa foto: Captură YouTube]

Reamintim că Adele va susţine o rezidenţă în Las Vegas,  din 21 ianuarie până în 16 aprilie, dar şi concerte în Anglia, la începutul lunii iulie.


Adele a lansat „Oh My God”, iar piesa are deja aproape 7 milioane de vizualizări 

Adele este pusă pe treabă anul acesta. După șase ani de pauză, artista revine cu un nou album, iar ieri a lansat videoclipul piesei „Oh my god” care face deja furori printre fani. „Oh my God” a fost caracterizat de cei care i-au dat deja play ca fiind o adevărată operă de artă și în peste 12 ore a fost vizionat de aproape 7 milioane de oameni. 

Tracklist Adele- "30"

  1. Strangers by Nature
  2. Easy on Me
  3. My Little Love
  4. Cry Your Heart Out
  5. Oh My God
  6. Can I Get It
  7. I Drink Wine
  8. All Night Parking (Interlude) (with Erroll Garner)
  9. Woman Like Me
  10. Hold On
  11. To Be Loved
  12. Love Is a Game.

Versurile piesei „Oh My God”

I ain't got too much time to spare
But I'll make time for you to show how much I care
Wish that I would let you break my walls
But I'm still spinning out of control from the fall
Boy, you give good love, I won't lie
It's what keeps me coming back, even though I'm terrified

I know that it's wrong
But I want to have fun
Mmh, yeah
Mmh, yeah

Citeste si: ADELE- Easy On Me

I know that it's wrong
But I want to have fun
Mmh, yeah
Mmh, yeah

Oh my God, I can't believe it
Out of all the people in the world
What is the likelihood of jumping
Out of my life and into your arms?
Maybe, baby, I'm just losing my mind
'Cause this is trouble, but it feels right
Teetering on the edge of Heaven and Hell
Is a battle that I cannot fight

I'm a fool, but they all think I'm blind
I'd rather be a fool than leave myself behind
I don't have to explain myself to you
I am a grown woman and I do what I want to do

I know that it's wrong
But I want to have fun
Mmh, yeah
Mmh, yeah

I know that it's wrong
But I want to have fun
Mmh, yeah
Mmh, yeah

Oh my God, I can't believe it
Out of all the people in the world
What is the likelihood of jumping
Out of my life and into your arms?
Maybe, baby, I'm just losing my mind
'Cause this is trouble, but it feels right
Teetering on the edge of Heaven and Hell
Is a battle that I cannot fight

Lord don't let me, I said Lord don't let me
I said Lord don't let me let me down (oh Lord)
Lord don't let me, I said Lord don't let me
I said Lord don't let me let me down (don't let me let myself down)
Lord don't let me, I said Lord don't let me
I said Lord don't let me let me down (oh my God)
Lord don't let me, I said Lord don't let me (oh, oh, oh)
I said Lord don't let me let me down

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Oh my God, I can't believe it
Out of all the people in the world
What is the likelihood of jumping
Out of my life and into your arms?
Maybe, baby, I'm just losing my mind
'Cause this is trouble, but it feels right
Teetering on the edge of Heaven and Hell
Well it's a battle that I cannot fight

Lord don't let me, I said Lord don't let me (I know that it's wrong)
I said Lord don't let me let me down (but I want to have fun)
Lord don't let me, I said Lord don't let me (mmh, yeah)
I said Lord don't let me let me down (mmh, yeah)
Lord don't let me, I said Lord don't let me (I know that it's wrong)
I said Lord don't let me let me down (but I want to have fun)
Lord don't let me, I said Lord don't let me (mmh, yeah)
I said Lord don't let me let me down (mmh, yeah).