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Lansări muzicale

Imagine Dragons a lansat piesa "I Don't Like Myself" - VERSURI aici

Imagine Dragons - I Don’t Like Myself
Imagine Dragons - I Don’t Like Myself [Sursa foto: Captură YouTube]
„I Don't Like Myself” este noul single lansat de Imagine Dragons. Dă-i play aici.

Cu ocazia Zilei Mondiale a Sănătății Mintale, Imagine Dragons, una dintre cele mai apreciate formații americane, a lansat un videoclip muzical pentru piesa "I Don’t Like Myself". Single-ul este extras de pe materialul "Mercury Acts 1 & 2".  

Vezi această postare pe Instagram



O postare distribuită de Imagine Dragons (@imaginedragons)

„Am scris această melodie într-un punct foarte scăzut pentru mine. M-am luptat destul de mult cu iubirea de sine de-a lungul anilor. Eram într-o rută profundă de depresie și am apelat la muzică pentru refugiu. De atunci, am petrecut mulți ani în terapie lucrând la iubirea de sine. Cred că terapia este motivul pentru care sunt încă în viață astăzi. Dacă se pune vreodată întrebarea dacă ar trebui să mergi sau nu la terapie.

Răspunsul este întotdeauna da. Ramai in viata. , a spus Reynolds despre „I Do not Like Myself”.

Versurile piesei ”I Don't Like Myself”, interpretată de Imagine Dragons

One day, I'll change my ways 'Til then I'm stuck in this space Shut down and hiding my face Tuned out and losing my faith

Stand up, tired of being a victim You only on the outs if you with 'em Only hurts if you give 'em credence (uh) Give 'em reasons (uh) They're not better than you They're

just a figment of imagination

There are times when I don't like myself I believe all the things that they say about me I wanna love myself, just like everyone else But there are times when I don't like myself

Citeste si: Trupa Imagine Dragons a lansat piesa ”Monday”

This life is beating me down But karma is coming around Tongue-tied, and you got the best of me A nightmare that's filling my dreams

Stand up, tired of being a victim You only on the outs if you with 'em Only hurts if you give 'em credence (uh) Give 'em reasons (uh) They're not better than you They're just a figment of imagination

There are times when I don't like myself (there are times) I believe all the things that they say about me (about me) I wanna love myself, just like everyone else But there are times when I don't like myself

I, da-da, da-da, I don't like myself I, da-da, da-da, I don't like myself

I'll walk through fire for this I will be the one to turn this car around 'Cause it's headed for disaster No happily ever after And I've got so much more to live for Than what you think of me

Citeste si: IMAGINE DRAGONS- Thunder

There are times when I don't like myself (there are times) I believe all the things that they say about me (about me) I wanna love myself, just like everyone else But there are times when I don't like myself

I, da-da, da-da, I don't like myself I, da-da, da-da, I don't like myself I, da-da, da-da-da, I don't (I, da) li-li-li-li-like myself I, da, like myself I, da, like myself I, da, like myself.