• Aiud 95.2
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  • Tg. Mureș 106.4
  • Timișoara 93.9
  • Tulcea 91.4
Lansări muzicale

AURORA a lansat piesa „A Temporary High”

AURORA a lansat piesa „ A Temporary High”
AURORA a lansat piesa „ A Temporary High” [Sursa foto: Captură YouTube]
A Temporary High” este noul sigle lansat de AURORA. Ascultă piesa aici!

Piesa „A Temporary High" se regăsește pe albumul "The Gods We Can Touch", lansat pe 21 ianuarie. LP-ul artistei a debutat pe prima poziție în topul albumelor din Norvegia. De când s-a lansat în 2015 cu albumul ei de debut, intitulat "Running With The Wolves", artista electro-pop a devenit triplă "amenințare"; cântăreață, compozitoares și producătoare. Din acel moment, AURORA a reușit să adune peste 20 de milioane de ascultători, lunar, pe Spotify, 2.5 miliarde de stream-uri și peste 1 milion în vânzări la nivel global. 

AURORA a lansat piesa „A Temporary High”
AURORA a lansat piesa „A Temporary High”[Sursa foto: Captură YouTube]

„A Temporary High" este inspirată de o femeie care este fascinantă. Dacă ea ar fi prezentul, ea ar fi confuză; dacă ea ar fi trecutul, ea n-ar putea să scape de ea. Dacă ea ar fi viitorul, nu ai putea să ții pasul cu ea", a spus AURORA.

Videoclip: AURORA- A Temporary High  

Versurile piesei „A Temporary High" 

t seems like we like to be living dangerously
Our hearts sings a temporary lie
It seems like her madness could be endlessly
Her love is a temporary high

And you're running to the shore
Howling at the waves
Howling back at you (you, you, you)

When you're ahead, she's coming after
And when you run, she's running faster
And when she loves, you better hope her
Love is not a temporary high

Citeste si: AURORA a lansat piesa ”Giving In To The Love”

Your body was warm when she was cold
You would long for love
Her storm was a temporary light
And I guess you froze
When the storm blew away her clothes
And you never got warm again

With hands as blue as ice
You reached towards the sky
Reaching back at you (you, you, you)

When you're ahead, she's coming after
And when you run, she's running faster
And when she loves, you better hope her
Love is not a temporary high

And when you run, she's running faster
And when she loves, you better hope her
Love is not a temporary high

With hands as blue as ice
You reached towards the sky
Reaching back at you (you, you, you)

Citeste si: Aurora lansează piesa „Cure For Me”

When you're ahead, she's coming after
And when you run, she's running faster
And when she loves, you better hope her
Love is not a temporary high

And when you run, she's running faster
And when she loves, you better hope her
Love is not a temporary high

You better hope that her love is not temporary
You better hope that her love is not temporary.