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Lansări muzicale

Tove Lo a lansat piesa ”Grapefruit” - Versuri aici

Tove Lo - Grapefruit
Tove Lo - Grapefruit  [Sursa foto: Captură YouTube]
”Grapefruit” este noul single lansat de Tove Lo. Dă-i play aici.

Tove Lo a lansat al cincilea și ultimul single de pe viitorul ei LP de studio. După aproximativ 10 ani, artista se simte pregătită să cânte despre o problemă care a afectat-o ​​profund: lupta ei anterioară cu o tulburare de alimentație. 

„Am ajuns în sfârșit într-un loc în care să-mi iubesc corpul. Când urcam pe scenă, purtam haine mici și bliț. Pentru mine, a fost ca o victorie de fiecare dată când m-am simțit bine cu mine.

Am făcut acest film în Suedia și mi-au cerut să slăbesc opt kilograme în două săptămâni. Mi-au dat o dietă strictă și a fost bine. De nicăieri, aceste amintiri mi-au trecut în cap.”, a spus Tove Lo într-un comunicat. 

Versurile piesei „Grapefruit”, interpretată de Tove Lo 

Countin' while I run the tap
I'm on my knees
Chokin' on my hands all night
In my sleep
Countin' all the calories
Now get 'em up
Body positivity
Help me out

The swans of ballet
Their skin and their

bones, that's not me
I'd die for my love though, break
Break 'til I wither away
What I see is not me
What I see is not me

Citeste si: Tove Lo a lansat videoclipul piesei „2 Die 4”

One, two, grapefruit
How am I back here again?
Three, four, lose more
I know my mirrors are lyin'
Five, six, hate this
Take back the body I'm in
What I see is not me
What I see is not me
One, two, grapefruit
Wish I could change overnight

Three, four, lose more
Kill my obsession, please die
Five, six, hate this
How am I still in this fight?
What I see is not me
What I see is not me

Sweet girl, you're so disciplined
Now keep it down
I don't like my measurements
Won't make a sound
Diana, how she guards the clock (The clock)
She's in control (Control)
Now why is everyone in shock? (In shock)
You let her go

The swans of ballet ('Llet)
Their skin and their bones, that's not me (Me)
I'd die for my
love though, break (Break)
Break 'til I wither away
What I see is not me
What I see is not me

Citeste si: Tove Lo a lansat piesa „No One Dies From Love”: „S-a lucrat cu multă pasiune la realizarea acestui videoclip”

One, two, grapefruit
How am I back here again?
Three, four, lose more
I know my mirrors are lyin'
Five, six, hate this
Take back the body I'm in
What I see is not me
What I see is not me
One, two, grapefruit
Wish I could change overnight
Three, four, lose more
Kill my obsession, please die
Five, six, hate this
How am I still in this fight?
What I see is not me
What I see is not me

What I see is not me
What I see is not me

When I'm hurtin', every time I have a bad day
Then everyone gets lost
But I'm learnin' every time I feel out of place
That you are all I've got, oh

One, two, grapefruit
How am I back here again?
Three, four, lose more
I know my mirrors are lyin'
Five, six, hate this
Take back the body I'm in (Oh)
What I see is not me
What I see is not me
One, two, grapefruit
Wish I could change overnight
Three, four, lose more
Kill my obsession, please die
Five, six, hate this
How am I still in this fight?
What I see is not me
What I see is not me.